Monday, July 27, 2009

Week 6 Part 2-screencast

I made a screencast showing how to move around on the LearningFocus website. This is a curriculum mapping program that my school adopted and I was trained in last week. I will be presenting information to my peers and thought a screencast could be helpful.
I tried embedding the video but it does not show the whole screen, so I am including a link instead.

ScreenCast for LearningFocus

It was very difficult to say just what I wanted. I must have done 30 "takes."


  1. mary, I love the idea of using it to do a training session. I think I will create one for showing my students how to use a wiki. I totally get the 30 takes. I had to write out the voice for my power point and read it. I don't know if I will use screen casting a lot- too time consuming but some short ones that the students could access repeatedly would be good to have for tough subjects- some students need the repetition.

  2. Screencast can be a great way to present something to your colleagues. make one screen cast and when it is time to see it, the audience can download it.
