Wednesday, July 8, 2009

My Growing PLN

Following 31 on Twitter
Friends with 14 people on Facebook
1 co-worker (the only other teaching the same grade as me) completely on-board with technology.

Okay, I know the numbers seem pathetic, especially the Facebook (took me almost 2 years to get up to 14), but it is about quality not quantity, right?

I still feel like I am more of an observer at this point, particularly on Twitter but I am starting to see how valuable it has the potential to be. This may be a bit redundant but I think it will be more valuable during the school year when I actually come up with some real questions.

The co-worker I am mentioning is much more tech savvy then me and i just found out that we are both taking courses on using the internet in the classroom, just through different universities. So, it is great hearing about what he is learning and comparing it to what we are discussing here. As we are the only two in the same grade at my school, and will have to do some sort of collaborative project, I am hoping that we will be able to do something based on what we are learning in our classes.

It is great having perspectives and ideas from people all over the place but it is also nice when you have people in your building who are on board with new ideas as well. That is the only way to really bring about change within a whole building/dept.

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