Monday, June 22, 2009


Okay, I am really not liking twitter at this point, just seems very time consuming. There is already a glut of information out there- not sure how following 25+ peoples random comments may be useful- but will keep at it.

Anyone who does this regularly- how do you have a life off-line if you are following 100+ people?


  1. Mary, my thoughts precisely... Though I have to say, I have already gotten a few links from some of the Edtech specialists I have found to follow. Still trying it out though, we'll need to give it a little more time :)

  2. Time is an issue. I barely have time in the summer to keep up with this much information, so I know that when school rolls around it will be even more difficult. Sites like Google Reader have helped tremendously but I still feel like I am in over my head with all the items being thrown at me. I guess I need to learn to work smarter and not harder.

  3. I find a quick scan daily is about all you need to use twitter effectively. These folks that post all the time make that a priority for them. I think the ones that post like 50 times a day are working towards creating a network and getting their names out maybe??? I think you can search your posts for certain subjects. Go easy in the twitter I think it might be a controlled substance?LOL

  4. I'm not real big on Twitter either. I check Facebook once or twice a day and that's good enough for me. We'll see, maybe it's an aquired taste?
