Tuesday, June 30, 2009

edited photo

On my iGoogle page, I have an Artwork of the Day box, todays artwork was by Vermeer, Portrait of a Young Woman. During a unit in biology we talk about chromosomal abnormalities like Down's syndrome. when i saw this painting it looked to me like that is what the girl has. So, I made a collage with an image from creaive commons and thought it could be useful in class. Ties art to science and just could start conversations about how different conditions were viewed through history.


  1. What an awesome idea about the comparison Mary! The collage feature is definitely useful for comparisons and contrasts. I can think of so many applications in Biology... eg. wild types vs mutants (eg. fruit flies), adaptations to different environmental factors (students have to point out the different ones), macroevolution, life cycles...

  2. Mary,
    I love your integration of art and science! The images you combined were really insightful. I am very interested in learning more ways to incorporate the fine arts into my biology and earth science curriculum. Any thoughts? Thanks, Quinn

  3. Quinn, I try to incorporate art, music, literature etc whenever I can. LOTS of places to do this in ES and Bio... I will send an e-mail or something to you later with some ideas I use.
