Sunday, August 2, 2009

Updated Guiding Principals for Technology Use

Technology is not something to be used merely as a device to grab attention and interest, though it may do that. Technology has the power to give students opportunities to explore topics in depth in interactive ways, to enhance learning through imagery and visualization, and to promote student-centered, inquiry based learning.

Another aspect of technology that I did not fully understand before this class was the way in which technology can turn students from consumers of knowledge into active collaborators and creators. Anything that encourages students to be more active in the pursuit of their own education is worthwhile.

With these ideas in mind, I will consider the following as I introduce new technology into my classes;

1) Is the technology enhancing student learning?
2) Does the technology help students achieve greater understanding of the material?
3) Does the technology lend itself to inquiry learning?
4) Does the technology encourage students to be more than consumers of knowledge and promote higher level thinking?

If the technology I am considering does not do any of this, I may reconsider whether the tool would be worth introducing.

1 comment:

  1. Mary, I really liked the song on your blog. My little boy is starting kindergarten this year and it made me think of how he will view his first day of school. The teacher web thing is new to me. I just set up a "wiki" but maybe teacher web is better? Have a great school year!
